Promote the experience around your product to boost reviews
Sales & Marketing

Promote the experience around your product to boost reviews

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Ever noticed how some products on Amazon have a ton of reviews, while others are crickets? There's a sneaky little trick behind that. If you want to boost your reviews, focus on the experience your product provides rather than its features. Let's break it down.


Here’s the quick hit: Describe your product in terms of the emotional or social experiences it offers. This means talking about how it feels to use your product, not just what it does. It’s like magic—more people will leave reviews.

Why it works 🤔

When we talk about experiences, we connect on a personal level. People are more likely to review products that feel like they define who they are. It’s a bit of psychology—sharing an experience feels less like showing off and more like sharing a piece of ourselves.

Check out these stats:

  • 28 of Amazon’s top 30 most reviewed products are experiential.
  • People were 8% and 12% more likely to leave a review when products were framed as experiences in two different experiments.

How to do it ✅

Here’s how you can make this work for your store:

  1. Paint a picture: Use stories and imagery that help your customers imagine themselves using your product. Show them what it’s like to own it, not just the specs.
  2. Highlight social moments: Talk about how your product fits into social settings. Is it great for family gatherings? Perfect for a night out with friends? Let them see the social side.
  3. Less tech, more touch: Skip the laundry list of features and focus on how it feels to use your product. Think emotions over technical details.
  4. Models Matter: In your ads, have models look away from the camera. It helps viewers place themselves in the scene, making the experience more vivid.

Watch Out ⚠️

This approach shines when you’re confident in your product’s quality. If your product isn’t up to par, you might just get more negative reviews. Also, this trick works better for experiential products (think gadgets, games, fashion) than for more utilitarian items (like office supplies).

Wrapping it up 🎁

Ready to make your reviews skyrocket? Shift your focus from features to feelings. Describe the moments your product creates, not just what it can do. Give it a shot and watch the reviews roll in.

That’s your minute of marketing wisdom. Go make those product pages pop!

Want to learn more? 🤓

If you want to learn more about this topic, you can dig into the nerdy details in the original marketing study.

Quote of the week 💬

"People don't just buy products, they buy the experiences those products promise."

About the author
Gabriel Mays, the Co-Founder and CEO of POPSMASH
Gabriel A. Mays
Gabriel Mays' Website
Co-Founder & CEO at POPSMASH
Before POPSMASH, Gabe was a Director at GoDaddy and founded two startups. He was also a Marine Corps Captain, serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. He lives with his wife and two kids on Cape Cod, MA.

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