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Learn about the latest product improvements & updates for the POPSMASH Shopify quiz pp.
Improved support on the Styles page when using custom colors.
Improved UX around quiz titles and suggestions.
Fixed styling bug with accuracy badge.
Improved the experience with captions.
Launched the onboarding checklist to make it easier to get started.
Improved the errors UX.
Added the ability to reorder answers.
Fixed a bug with the display of images in results under certain conditions.
Fixed a caching issue with discounts.
Improved the experience of creating questions and answers in quizzes.
Made it easier to select answers in the quiz editor.
Improved the experience of the submissions page to see who took your quiz.
Added support for new Google Analytics and Meta Pixel events.
Improved the experience around quiz errors.
Fixed a bug when selection a social username.
Moved discount codes to the Results section of the quiz editor for better UX.
Increased the number of products you can use in a quiz thanks to our new and improved AI models.
Fixed a styling big on mobile in Integration settings.
Fixed question display on selection.
Improved zero state for new questions.
Fixed a currency display bug in the quiz dashboard.
Improved experience with styling along with a better help article.
Fixed a few bugs related to translations and locales.
Better first-use experience when creating a new quiz.
Improved the UX around in-app notices.
Improved the results experience for users.
New default theme for quiz previews.
Fixed a bug in the Danish translations of the app.
Improved what photos we show with better support for variants.
Better support for quizzes that only collect email and not names.
Misc. app performance improvements.
Added better AI framework for upcoming improvements and new model rollout.
Improved the experience of adding new answers.
Improved experience for quiz ideas.
Improved the experience of using quiz redirects.
Added support for custom styles to POPlinks.
Launched significantly improved quiz recommendation system.
Added quizzes to usage to make it more obvious what your quota is.
Fixed quiz redirect bug.
Significant performance improvements to make app experience faster
Improvements to quiz results
Fix translation bugs in the UI and other translation fixes
Expanded quiz recommendations to all customers
Added support for redirects (Phase 1, more coming soon!)
Added more guidance to quiz blocks so they're easier to use
Added support for block translations
Misc. minor fixes to app usability and stability
Added CDN to improve the experience for international customers
More app performance improvements
Added support for customizing the results page
Fixed errors during quiz generation
More quiz styling improvements
Better quiz styling support on mobile
Fixed occasional progress freeze bug in onboarding flow
Added support for giveaways in new quiz recommendation screen
Improved app performance (speed/load time) by 3X
Improved translation handling for better consistency through the app
Improved auto-populating products functionality
Fixed issue with broken characters in recommendations
Added support for translated email updates
Fixed issue with broken 'Customize' links
Fixed answer tag labels
Fixed skip products bug
Added translations to discount notices
Improved onboarding and setup flow
Many other improvements and fixes!
New quiz preview template for better visibility
Fixed bug with auto-generated titles
Fixed bugs with zero product giveaways
Fixed generate quiz button notice
Fixed CSS issue on black POPlink backgrounds
Improved performance on stats dashboard
Improved zero product quiz experience
Fixed missing menus on mobile screens
Initial performance improvements to app load time
Added more tutorial videos to Publish section
Removed status toggle for free accounts to prevent inactive quiz issues
More translation improvements and fixes
Improved experience of new user guidance
FIxed notations on Analytics page
Added the ability to edit the giveaway prize for existing giveaways
Added support for more languages
Improved usability of the publish page
Fixed a display issue with the quiz button on some mobile devices
Improved new user experience
Improved checkout experience after adding items to cart
More AI improvements for better reliability during quiz generation
Added top recommendation as custom tag option
Added code snippet UI for quiz buttons
Added improved zero state for new users
Added full i18n support in the app for 21 languages
Added the ability to edit the giveaway prize on existing giveaways
Fixed an issue with quiz tags getting turned off
Improved analytics for higher accuracy and reporting
Improved seasonal relevance of recommendations
Fixed minor display issue on new user zero state
Added welcome screen for new users
Added support for AI title suggestions
Refactored parts of the quiz editor code for better performance
Standardized rules for AI generated titles for more consistency
Fixed stats list display on mobile
Fixed an issue with discount codes on quizzes
Added more context around error messages
Added a style notice in the quiz editor for context
Added more inline help articles in the quiz editor
Added character limits in the quiz editor along with browser validation
Fixed how failed jobs hit Shopify rate limits
Turn Meta Pixel tracking on by default
Improved title recommendation logic
Fixed a bug with our support widget blocking screen elements on mobile
Improved experience on the giveaways section
Swapped the order of onboarding to speed up quiz creation
Add support for collection quizzes
Fixed a bug with tags added to shopper profiles
Released updated API version
Made improvements to our AI logic
Moved all edit functionality into the editor
Significant improvements to the quiz management experience
Added top recomendation as a tag for segmentation and personalization
Added UI for collection quizzes
Improved accessibility around publish options
And many, many more improvements!
Revamped preview page with an interactive quiz preview
Consolidated settings in quiz editor for a simplified landing page
Fixed a caching bug with subscriptions that gave some users a server error
Other miscellaneous UI improvements
Added ability to add/delete answers and questions for more flexibility
Fix an issue with the launcher on mobile
Fixed an issue with the giveaway tab showing on quizzes
Added an editor store
Fixed an issue with CSV export
Enable support for 1-product quizzes
Remove uneeded shortcuts from the editor
Fixed an issue with state reset between saves
Improvements to the pbulish section
Fixed a 401 issue with discount codes
Fixed tooltips in modals
Fixed blank discounts tab issue
Vastly improved editor experience on mobile
Added the ability to edit questions and answers
Tags for customer preferences are automatically regenerated on updates
Fixed extraneaus text when adding a quiz in the editor
Fixed an issue with some promo codes not working
Improved quiz generation time during onboarding
Fixed vertical alignment bug in POP links
Make previews mobile friendly
Launched limited Free plan
Misc. other UX and performance improvements
Released v1 of our quiz editor
Added support for giveaways
Listed app as available for install