Make more sales with simple product unit descriptions
Sales & Marketing

Make more sales with simple product unit descriptions

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Ready to add a little spice to your product descriptions? Let's dive in – you won't need a calculator for this one, I promise!

Have you ever looked at a product online and thought, "Okay, so it's 500 grams, but... how many cookies is that?" Well, you're not alone. It turns out, when it comes to understanding product quantity, we're all a bit like kids at a candy store – we think in pieces, not pounds.


Bottom line: Describe your products in units people can easily picture – like bags, pieces, or slices. Need to mention that it's 30 ounces? Sure, but the star of the show should be "36 scrumptious cookies".

Why? Research says products labeled with intuitive units – think '36 cookies' over '30 ounces' – are perceived as more valuable. People are even willing to pay more for them. Sweet deal, right?

What to watch out for ⚠️

This tactic shines brightest with sensory-rich products (hello, cookies and chips!). If you're selling something more functional like vitamins, the results might be less chocolate-chip-cookie-crumble and more plain oatmeal. And for those selling big-ticket items or services? Different story – stick to the specifics.

How to do it ✅

Here's how you can make those units work for you:

1. Get creative with units: Selling a multi-pack of socks? Think "10 days of cozy feet" instead of "10 pairs". Shampoo? "60 washes of luscious locks" beats "500ml" any day.

2. Balance is key: Keep the official measurements, but make the intuitive units the star. Bigger font, bolder color – let them shine.

3. Test & tweak: Try different units and see what sticks. Who knows, "30 days of fresh breath" might just outperform "1 tube of toothpaste".

Why it works 🧐

Our brains are wired for the tangible. We understand "a pack of 12 sodas" in a heartbeat. But ask us to compare the volume of different sized bottles and cans? Cue the mental gymnastics. By using intuitive units, you're appealing to your customer's senses and memories, making your product more relatable and desirable.

The evidence? Products on Amazon using intuitive units over standard measurements saw a 36% higher price per ounce. Customers even said they'd pay 49% more for these intuitively-labeled goods.

So, next time you're updating those product pages, think "how would a 10-year-old see this?" Because, let's face it, we all have a bit of that 10-year-old inside, especially when shopping.

Ready to turn those grams into grins? Give it a go and watch your customers nod in understanding – and hopefully, hit that 'Add to Cart' button a bit more eagerly.

Until next time, keep those units intuitive and those sales climbing!

Want to learn more? 🤓

If you want to learn more about this topic, you can dig into the nerdy details in the original marketing study.

Quote of the week 💬

"Simple quantities don't just make buying easier, it makes selling easier too!"

About the author
Gabriel Mays, the Co-Founder and CEO of POPSMASH
Gabriel A. Mays
Gabriel Mays' Website
Co-Founder & CEO at POPSMASH
Before POPSMASH, Gabe was a Director at GoDaddy and founded two startups. He was also a Marine Corps Captain, serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. He lives with his wife and two kids on Cape Cod, MA.

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