Does $0 or 'free' drive more conversions?
Sales & Marketing

Does $0 or 'free' drive more conversions?

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Let’s talk about one simple word that could be silently sabotaging your conversions: “free.” Yup, I said it. That innocent, happy-go-lucky word might not be working as hard for you as its cooler cousin, “$0.”

Why you should ditch “free”

You might think “free” is the ultimate magic word, but research says otherwise. In 10 different experiments—online, in stores, and even in labs—they found that using “$0” or “at no cost” instead of “free” leads to more people saying, “Shut up and take my money.” 🤑

This worked for everything: free gift certificates, BOGO deals, and straight-up freebies. Even better, it’s more effective for price-sensitive shoppers or products, like groceries or everyday essentials.

On the flip side, if you’re selling luxury handbags or diamond-studded dog collars (because why not), this trick might not be as impactful.

Wait... but why? 🤔

Here’s the psychology:

  • We love deals but hate losses. “$0” reminds us we’re not losing money. “Free” feels like a gain, but our brains care more about avoiding losses.
  • It’s about value. Seeing “$0” highlights the monetary benefit, making us value the deal more.
  • Perception is everything. Fancy phrases like “at no cost” sound like they’ve been wrapped in gold paper and presented by a butler.

What to watch out for ⚠️

  • Too good to be true? People are naturally suspicious of $0 deals, especially for stuff like phone plans or anything that screams fine print. So keep it simple and transparent.
  • Gift givers don’t care as much. If someone’s shopping for a gift, they’re focused on the receiver’s reaction, not saving a buck.

How to make this work âś…

  1. Audit your promos: Look at your website, ads, and emails. Where are you using “free”?
  2. Switch it up: Update those spots to say “$0” or “at no cost” instead.
  3. Test and tweak: If you’re feeling fancy, A/B test these phrases to see which one resonates with your audience.

Bonus tip: If you’re running a sale, pair this trick with something visual like “$0” in bold text or surrounded by a badge. People love shiny things! ✨

So, next time you’re crafting a promo, ditch “free.” It’s like trading your old flip phone for the latest smartphone. Small change, big upgrade.

Want to learn more? 🤓

If you want to learn more about this topic, you can dig into the nerdy details in the original marketing study.

Quote of the week đź’¬

“Free feels fleeting, but $0 feels like a deal.”

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About the author
Gabriel Mays, the Co-Founder and CEO of POPSMASH
Gabriel A. Mays
Gabriel Mays' Website
Co-Founder & CEO at POPSMASH
Before POPSMASH, Gabe was a Director at GoDaddy and founded two startups. He was also a Marine Corps Captain, serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. He lives with his wife and two kids on Cape Cod, MA.

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